StrategIc PartnershIp for Awareness, ClImate and EnvIronment (SPACE)
Coordinator Beneficiary
Project Number
1- Hamm City Council
2- Social Climate Association
3- Comune di Saluzzo
Project Budget €
Grant Amount €
Grant Amount %
Location of Implementation
Türkiye: Konak (İzmir)
Germany: Hamm
Italy: Saluzzo
Duration of the Project (month)
The Purpose of the Project
The overall objective of the project is to share experience and knowledge with local governments in the EU through the Environmental Awareness Centre to be established within the scope of the project and to support Konak Municipality to produce new projects in the field of climate change by adapting best practices.
Main Activities
Study Visits
Cooperation Protocol
Climate Summit
Establishment of the Environmental Awareness Center
Workshops and Trainings
Visibility Activities
Expected Outputs
– Local diplomacy and dialogue between cities in Türkiye and the EU were encouraged.
– The environmental awareness of children and young people was increased in Konak.
– Recycling was improved in Konak.
– Best practices of local governments in the field of environment in Türkiye and the EU were disseminated.
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