Project Activity Date: 19.8.2024

Location: Bornova Municipality Assembly Hall

Time: 9.8.2024

Green Future TraInIng In Bornova

The educational activities, which are one of the most crucial components of the Climate Adaptation Town Twinning Project between Bornova and Heidelberg, known as the BORNBERG Project, continue under the Town Twinning Between Türkiye and the EU-II: Twinning For a Green Future Grant Scheme. The BORNBERG project, which aims to enhance Bornova’s capacity and resilience in adapting to climate change and reducing carbon emissions, strengthens the collaboration between the two cities for a sustainable future while raising awareness among Bornova residents through educational activities. The project’s trainings are organized under two main headings: ‘institutional capacity building’ and ‘awareness raising.’ Awareness-raising training targets groups such as young people, youth workers, children, and women, whereas institutional capacity-building trainings involve informing personnel, managers, and decision-makers through academics.

Role of Human

In this scope, Prof. Dr. Nurdan Yıldırım and Dr. Emin Selahattin Umdu from the Department of Energy Systems Engineering at Yaşar University, a partner in the BORNBERG Project with Bornova Municipality, are delivering awareness-raising training. The training highlights the critical role of individuals against climate change and examines the damage humans inflict on nature and other living beings.

Example of Solidarity

Bornova Mayor Ömer Eşki stated that the BORNBERG project, led by the two cities, presents a global example of solidarity against climate change. He said, “We are pleased to collaborate on the BORNBERG Project with Heidelberg, a city known for its zero carbon emissions and sustainability among European cities, Yaşar University, and the Energy Industrialists and Businessmen Association (ENSİA). This project will become the climate and energy action plan for Bornova Municipality’s green future. Our efforts towards a green future will be elevated to a higher level.”

Project Activity Date: 3 June 2024

Location: Bornova Municipality Assembly Hall

Time: 31.05.2024

Bornova MunIcIpalIty wIll work for a green future

Developments regarding the Climate Adaptation City Pairing Project (BORNBERG) initiated between Bornova Municipality and City of Heidelberg were conveyed to the managers and deputy mayors in Bornova Municipality with in the scope of Activity 4.1.1. In the meeting, discussions were held on steps that Bornova Municipality will take “for a gren future,” depending on the experiences of the City of Heidelberg, which has best practices in this field all around Europe.

During the briefing session held at Bornova Municipality Council Hall, in sights were shared on climate-related issues, update developments and measures to be taken for Bornova and Turkey by the Project partners including Heidelberg Municipality and ENSIA, and the team from Yaşar University, represented by Prof. Dr. Nurdan Yıldırım and Assistant Professor Emin Selahattin Umdu.

Bornova Mayor Ömer Eşki, who has a master’s degree in Renewable Energies, stated, “Issues related to climate are often perceived as problems only for educated individuals, but they are everyone’s concern. Therefore, we aim to raise awareness. We are at the beginning of the road. Hopefully, together we can implement a beneficial Project for our municipality, ourcity, and country.”

Project Activity Date: 22 May 2024

Location: Bornova Municipality and Ömer Eşki Instagram accounts

Time: 22.05.2024

Two cities, one target: Bornova and Heidelberg are combining their efforts  under the Town Twinning  Grant Scheme for a Green Future to against climate change!

With the BORNBERG Project, we aim to increase Bornova’s climate resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. Through the Local Climate Action Plan, we are taking strategic steps towards a sustainable future.

In collaboration with Bornova, Heidelberg, Yaşar University, and the Energy Industry and Business People Association, we are progressing together towards addressing climate change and sustainable development. We are raising awareness among various segments of society.

This journey is just the beginning. Let’s continue working together for a greener world!

The Openning Ceremony of EU Grant Project Implemented by Bornova Municipality Is realised on 5 December 2023

Under the auspices of Town  Twinning Between Turkey and the EU – II  For a Green Future Grant Programme;  Bornova Municipality started implementing the “Town Twinning between Bornova and Heidelberg Municipalities (Germany) for Climate Adaptation” (BORNBERG Project) project on 1 November  2023.

The Opening Ceremony of the BORNBERG project has been held at Yaşar University Conference Hall on 5 December 2023, with participation of Bornova Mayor Dr. Mustafa İduğ, Yaşar University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Yiğit Kazançoğlu, ENSIA Chairman of the Board of Directors Alper Kalaycı, Heidelberg Municipality Technical Environmental Protection Department Head Dr. Raino Winkler and his colleague Christine Fiedler from the Business Inspection and Energy Climate Protection Department together with Republic of Turkey Directorate EU Affairs Expert Ceyhan Çiçek and many academics and Bornova Municipality bureaucrats.

This project, which is planned to develop the Local Climate Action Plan (SECAP) for Bornova, has a duration of 12 months. Yaşar University and ENSIA (Energy Industrialists & Businessmen Association) are among the Turkish partners of the project in partnership with Heidelberg Municipality from Germany.