Location: Arsuz Municipality 

Solar Powered (Solar) Lighting Poles

Within the scope of the City Matching, ‘Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future’ project, financed by the European Union, 25 direct installations were provided with solar energy lighting in the Arsuz coastal walkway and park area in Arsuz’s Karaağaç District regarding the use of renewable energy sources in the fight against climate change. The main reason for determining these areas as pilot application areas is that it is busy at all times of the day. In solar energy panels with 165 wp power, the entire system started to work in the range of -20’C, + 60’C. 20 W LED Fixture has been used and the poles are galvanized and oven painted with a height of at least 4 M. Thanks to this pilot application, social awareness was formed and the widespread use of renewable energy sources supported the special purposes of our project.

Making a technical visit to the project activity pilot region application area, Arsuz Mayor Mr. Sami Üstün; We attach great importance to the contribution of European Union projects in order to develop our district after the earthquake and to achieve an even better point again, and we thank them for their support to our project. We are happy to meet the needs of the social areas of our district with Solar Energy (Solar) lighting poles, which is one of the activities of our European Union Project. Our region is a place with intense solar energy. Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most advantageous energy sources used. It is very important for our environment that solar energy can be consumed where it is produced. It prevents air pollution and excessive water consumption. This is one of our main responsibilities to the world we live in and to our Arsuzu. Since these products, which work without the need for mains electricity, work entirely with solar energy, they also contribute to nature and the district economy.

Mayor of Arsuz Mr. Sami Üstün; We aim to carry our Arsuz further with renewable energy sources by reducing the dependence on non-renewable energy sources. I wish that our project, which creates sensitivity to our nature and environment, will provide a sustainable benefit to all our stakeholders and Arsuz.

He used his expressions.

Project Activity Date: 3 JUNE 2024

Location: Arsuz Municipality 

Time: 10 June 2024

PaIntIng CompetItIon on ClImate Change and Renewable Energy Sources Has Been Concluded!

Our painting competition on ‘Climate Change and Renewable Energy Sources’, organized among students aged 10-14, within the scope of the European Union project on ‘Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future’ carried out by Arsuz Municipality, was completed with great excitement.

We presented their awards to our students who ranked in our competition. While a scooter was given to our student who came first, Arsuz Mayor Sami Üstün gave his award. Our second student bought his tablet from Arsuz District Director of National Education Mr. Turgay Yaman. Our third student received his smart watch from Mr. Adnan Ağır, President of Arsuz Businessmen’s Association. The first 25 students who participated in our competition and ranked were presented with a painting paint set. These awards were given collectively by protocol members.

Mayor of Arsuz Mr. Sami Üstün; In this competition, we were very pleased to see the environmental awareness of our young people and students and their interest in renewable energy sources. We congratulate all our students who participated and wish them success in their future work. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our competition, protocol members for their valuable support, and our painting teachers who took part in the competition commission. He used his expressions.