ClImate AdaptatIon Town TwInnIng between BORNnova and HeIdelBERG (BORNBERG Project)
Coordinator Beneficiary
Project Number
1- Stadt Heidelberg
2- Yaşar University
3- Energy Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association
Project Budget €
Grant Amount €
Grant Amount %
Location of Implementation
Türkiye: Bornova (İzmir)
Germany: Heidelberg
Duration of the Project (month)
The Purpose of the Project
Enhancing the capacity of Bornova Municipality (Turkey) through knowledge and experience sharing with Heidelberg Municipality (Germany) on climate and environment based actions, in particular climate adaptation practices
Main Activities
Experience Sharing Activities (Study Visits)
Capacity Building and Awareness Raising Activities
Capacity Building Activities in Bornova Municipality
Awareness Raising Activities for Citizens
Sectoral Workshops with Stakeholders
Development of a Sustainable SECAP Application Based on the Example of Heidelberg
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Visibility Studies
Expected Outputs
– Long-term partnerships were developed between Bornova and Heidelberg in all areas related to climate and environment.
– A sustainable SECAP application based on the Heidelberg example was developed for Bornova for adaptation to climate change.
– Contribution was made to raising public awareness about climate change and the environment.
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