The project aims to bring together two municipalities from two different countries to develop a guide to inform cities and other stakeholders about sustainable tourism and carbon-neutral destinations, to prepare a local policy document to set visions for sustainable tourism and criteria for being a green kitchen and to raise awareness of tourism stakeholders.
Main Activities
Preparation of a Neutral Destination Guide for Cities
Preparation of Local Policy Document for Sustainable Tourism (for Çanakkale and Salou)
Kitchen Greening Campaign
Conducting Trainings for Restaurants/Cafes
Green Kitchen Qualification and Inspections
Development of the Application Guide and Cookbook
Expected Outputs
– Carbon Neutral Destination Guide was prepared.
– Local Policy Documents Related to Sustainable Tourism were prepared.
– Awareness of project stakeholders on green practices was raised through the Greening the Kitchen Campaign and Green Tourism Campaign.
– More sustainable gastronomy practices were collected and (pilot) implemented, especially for tourism cities.
“This website is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Eductrade Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”