Project Activity Date: 28 May 2024

Location: Edremit Municipality 

Time: 27-30 May 2024

“OlIve Tree CultIvatIon In the ClImate Age: Struggle wIth AdaptatIon StrategIes”

In the frame of the project “Olive Tree Cultivation in the Climate Age: Struggle with Adaptation Strategies” submitted under the call Town Twinning between Türkiye and the EU – II: Twinning for a Green Future Grant Program Call for Proposals, funded by the European Union (EU), and which aims to protect our local olive species from threats arising from climate change by ensuring the continuity of olives and olive cultivation, which are the most important economic sectors of our Region, our Spanish and Greek project partners, who came to our city for the planned field visit, visited our Mayor Mehmet Ertaş in his office.

Our partners, Spain Selva Municipality, Spain Mallorca UNESCO Centre, Balıkesir University Edremit Vocational School Directorate, Greece Peloponnesus University and Council of Europe Olive Tree Culture Route representatives, during their stay will be acquainted to our region’s olive varieties and the characteristics of our olive oil and we will evaluate common climate problems and solutions together.