PartnershIp on SustaInable AgrIculture and MItIgatIon to ClImate Change
1- Bralia Municipality
2- Mersin University
3- Universitatea Dunrea de Jos din Galati
1- Mersin Erdemli Agricultural Chamber
2- Commune Hall of Chiscani Commune
Türkiye: Erdemli (Mersin)
Romania: Braila
The project aims to improve the dialogue between Erdemli and Braila Municipalities and local communities by increasing their capacities on climate change, agriculture and environment.
- Analysis of the agricultural biodiversity of Erdemli and Braila
- Determination of agricultural water footprint of agricultural products grown in Erdemli and Braila regions
- EU institutional framework study and workshops on policies and regulations on agricultural biodiversity, organic and “climate-smart” agriculture
- Information days for local communities (students and children)
- Design and implementation of training program for farmers and livestock breeders
- Design and implementation of the training program for local governments
- Study visit to Braila
- Building a web platform on agricultural biodiversity, organic and “climate-smart” agriculture
- Workshops and closing meeting
– The number of farmers and livestock breeders who adopt sustainable “climate-smart” and organic practices increased.
– The capacity of Erdemli and Braila Municipalities on climate change was increased.
– Report on the Agricultural Biodiversity of Braila and Erdemli, Report on the Agricultural Water Footprint Analysis of Braila and Erdemli and Report on the EU Institutional Framework for Policies and Regulations on Agricultural Biodiversity, Organic and “Climate-Smart” Agriculture were prepared.
– The awareness of children and young people on these issues was increased.
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