We are Together on the BasIs of ClImate and EnvIronmental Problems
Muş ProvIncIal SpecIal AdmInIstratIon
1- Comune di Mirabello Sannitico
2- Muş Alparslan University
1- Muş Provincial Directorate of National Education
2- Muş Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change
3- Muş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School
Türkiye: Muş
Italy: Mirabello Sannitico
The project aims to ensure sustainable co-operation between Muş and Mirabello Sannitico based on climate and environment and to improve the capacities of local governments/administrations and NGOs on waste management implementation.
- Training Activities (Environmental Protection “Garbage and Waste Materials” Training, “Increasing Environmental Protection Awareness” Training, “Zero Waste and Adaptation to Climate Change” Training)
- Sustainable Cooperation Capacity Building Activities (Sharing good practices & information meetings on waste management and recycling and field visits & study visits)
- Environmental Action Plan Activities
- Awareness Activities
– “Garbage and Waste Materials” training for all stakeholders, “Environmental Protection Awareness” training, “Zero Waste and Climate Change Adaptation” training for students, and “Zero Waste and Climate Change Adaptation” training for young people were organised.
– Through seminars, trainings and study visits, the capacities of local governments/administrations in Muş increased.
– Muş Environmental Action Plan was prepared.
– Public awareness increased with the awareness activities.
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